Normally we head up to Napa for Thanksgiving. It's one of the holidays that we travel to see Mike's family. This year we had so many things going on that all signs were pointing to staying home this year. It was sad because we really missed seeing everyone and spending time with our family and friends there. We stayed home this year and had a super mellow Thanksgiving. My Mom had had surgery the week before and it was nice to have everyone together for a nice dinner. We went over to my Dad and Diane's. My Mom and brother also came. During the day we took the boys out to the park and played. It was really warm and sunny here and it didn't really feel like winter at all.
The day after Thanksgiving we decorated for Christmas. We didn't get the tree right away, but we started putting out the fun decorations. With young children, the joy of Christmas is so exciting and contagious. I love seeing their little faces light up when they see a house decorated with lights or when we first turn on our Christmas tree after decorating it. I love the smell of apple cinnamon when i open my door and walk in my house. The smell of the Christmas tree when I walk in the family room. I love the smell of cookies baking in the oven and boys peering into the window on the stove waiting for them to be done. I remember being little and loving Christmas, I want that for our boys too. Here are some pictures of the holiday decorating and some of the festivities that have been going on around here.
This year Kaden got to be in the Arroyo Grande Christmas parade with his school. He absolutely loved it. We decorated his scooter all up and he was so happy. Mike walked in the parade with him (such a good Dad), and I sat with my Mom, brother, Dad, Stepmom and Austin. It was so great to see Kaden having such a good time riding his scooter.Last Friday we went to the Christmas parade in SLO and then got our tree on Saturday. We decided this year we were going to cut down our own tree. The boys loved picking out a tree and cutting it down.
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