Kaden turned two this last weekend! Seriously, where did the time go?! He had such a good day! We decorated the house for him the night before with "Happy Birthday" banners, balloons, presents, so when he woke up in the morning he knew right away that it was a special day.
I told him we could go anywhere he wanted to go and he chose the Avila Barn. This is one of his favorite places to go, he loves to feed the animals and just walk around and look at the other kids.
He was so happy all day. Everywhere we went you could just tell that he felt like a special birthday boy. That night we went out to dinner to McLintocks with our family. The staff sang him happy birthday and gave him a giant bowl of icecream. He even blew out the candle.Words can't express the joy that I had in my heart, I could only imagine what it must have felt like to him. His party was on Saturday and we wanted to make sure it was low-key and mellow because we figured he would be pretty worn out from Friday. He was...
The party went really good and he really loved it. I can't believe we will be celebrating Austin's 1st birthday is just 5 months! Now that is weird!! Just wanted to update everone!!!
Today is Mike's Birthday!!!!!
I love you my perfect husband! You are my world and you are the best father to our boys! XOXO
and here are a few new pictures of Austin, who will be 7 months on Saturday!!!!
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8 years ago
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